Community leaders will be honored at the 2023 Hispanic-Latino Heritage Gala

Charlotte-NC. On March 31, the Latin American Coalition will hold the Gala for the second year, an event where Latino heritage will be celebrated with music, food and traditional dances. During the great night, awards will be given to important figures within the Latino community, who have worked tirelessly to help those most in need.
The Latino-Hispanic Heritage Gala will be held at the Palmer Building 2601 East 7th street Charlotte -NC 28204 United States, starting at 7:00 pm. It is an unmissable event loaded with surprises, you will not want to miss it. In publishing, the funds will go to the Immigration Legal Center, a department that helps more than 8,000 people a year.
Winners of the Gala 2023

Legacy Award: James “Jim” Bazan: In recognition of his long trajectory of service and contribution to La Coalición.

Corporate Leadership Award: Grace Nystrum/Bank of America: In recognition for her track record of leveraging her professional influence in support of our community development.



Cultural Heritage Award: Anthony “Tony” Arreaza: In recognition of his contribution to the Coalición’s effort of promoting/celebrating/maintaining our cultural heritage.

Tony has been a key piece and “keeper” of the Latin American Festival. He started his professional journey as an employee here and as a contractor continued to support our efforts.



Volunteer/Advocate Award: Liliana Molina: In recognition of her advocacy efforts and volunteer work for group of over 70 seniors she provides services to every month

Liliana is here every Tuesday as part of a collaboration with the Latin Chamber to provide meals to seniors, as well as monthly gatherings she voluntarily organizes.


Con A de Arte Award: Michelle Shaul: Queens University Professor who has contributed greatly to our culture through her art advocacy and classroom instruction.

Dr. Shaul is of Hispanic descent and created multiple Latino arts programs such as the ArtSi and Con A de Arte initiatives, which will become part of our cultural center.